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Critical Thinking
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Each chapter closes with Critical Thinking Questions (listed below) as a review of chapter material that focuses on the role of the medical assistant.

1. A patient has called to cancel her appointment for the third time. How should you handle this situation?

2. The physician is running about an hour and a half behind schedule and the schedule is completely filled. Describe how you would handle this problem.

3. Describe how you would handle a situation in which a patient calls for an appointment but is reluctant to disclose the purpose of the visit. What can you say to help the patient realize that it is advantageous to describe the nature of the visit?

4. Right after lunch, a patient walks into the office and requests to see the physician. The patient does not have an appointment and is complaining of pain in her stomach that will not go away. She has vomited a few times and looks very pale. How should you handle this situation?

5. Describe the best scheduling system for the following types of physician offices:

a. A large practice with four physicians and with x-ray and lab facilities that are available anytime

b. A small practice with two physicians and with lab facilities that are available only between 8:00 A.M. and 10:00 A.M.

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