Woodworkers often use a type of measurement that indicates the total volume of wood in a board. This measurement is called a board foot (bf or b.f.). One board foot is equivalent to 144 cubic inches of wood. This can also be thought of as a piece of wood 1" thick, 12" wide, and 12" long. Board footage is often used in estimating the cost of materials in large quantities. However, it is also possible to compare the cost of individual boards, even if they have different dimensions. To determine board footage, the length, width, and thickness of a board must be known.
Two formulas can be used to figure board feet. Using all inches, the formula is:
T × W × L(all in inches) ÷ 144 = bf
Using inches and feet, the formula is:
T (in inches) × W (in inches) × L (in feet) × 12 = bf
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