Fractions can be added quickly once you have found a common denominator. The common denominator is the number into which the denominators of all the fractions can be divided. For example, to add 3/4 plus 1/2, you need to find a common number for the denominators 4 and 2. You can find the common denominator by multiplying each denominator by 1, 2, 3, 4, etc., until you find a common number.
Practice Exercise
Add the fractions 1/2 and 3/4.
Hint: Another way to find the common denominator is to multiply the denominators. For example, if you multiply 4 × 2, the result, 8, is a common denominator. Both 2 and 4 can be divided into 8. However, this method will not always yield the lowest common denominator, and you may find yourself working with some large numbers.
Add the mixed numbers 3 3/8 and 6 1/2.
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