1 |  |  Marys cousin decided to move to Baltimore because he cant get enough of those wonderful crab cake's.
|  | A) | Marys cousin decided to move to Baltimore because he can't get enough of those wonderful crab cakes.
|  | B) | Mary's cousin decided to move to Baltimore because he can't get enough of those wonderful crab cakes.
|  | C) | Marys' cousin decided to move to Baltimore because he can't get enough of those wonderful crab cakes.
2 |  |  Nobody knew who's coat it was, so we decided to give it to one of Martha's cousins.
|  | A) | Nobody knew whose coat it was, so we decided to give it to one of Martha's cousins.
|  | B) | Nobody knew whos coat it was, so we decided to give it to one of Martha's cousins.
|  | C) | Nobody knew who's coat it was, so we decided to give it to one of Martha's cousins.
3 |  |  The trees largest branch lost most of it's leaves in last nights storm.
|  | A) | The trees largest branch lost most of it's leaves in last nights storm.
|  | B) | The trees' largest branch lost most of it's leaves in last nights' storm.
|  | C) | The tree's largest branch lost most of its leaves in last night's storm.
4 |  |  "The hurricane in the Atlantic is probably the reason its raining," said Marty.
|  | A) | "The hurricane in the Atlantic is probably the reason its raining," said Marty.
|  | B) | "The hurricane in the Atlantic is probably the reason it's raining," said Marty.
|  | C) | "The hurricane in the Atlantic is probably the reason its' raining," said Marty.
5 |  |  Since mens clothes are always on sale at Sear's, Max and Antonio do most of their shopping there.
|  | A) | Since men's clothes are always on sale at Sears, Max and Antonio do most of their shopping there.
|  | B) | Since mens clothes are always on sale at Sear's, Max and Antonio do most of their shopping there.
|  | C) | Since mens' clothes are always on sale at Sears, Max and Antonio do most of their shopping there.
6 |  |  Last years womens softball team is much better than this years.
|  | A) | Last years womens softball team is much better than this years.
|  | B) | Last year's womens' softball team is much better than this years.
|  | C) | Last year's women's softball team is much better than this year's.
7 |  |  Its time for several of the schools policies' to be reviewed.
|  | A) | Its time for several of the school's policies' to be reviewed.
|  | B) | It's time for several of the school's policies to be reviewed.
|  | C) | Its time for several of the schools policies' to be reviewed.
8 |  |  The neighbor's cat got it's tail caught in the fence.
|  | A) | The neighbor's cat got it's tail caught in the fence.
|  | B) | The neighbors cat got its tail caught in the fence.
|  | C) | The neighbor's cat got its tail caught in the fence.
9 |  |  "If your really my friend," said LaShon, "you'll do me this one favor."
|  | A) | "If your really my friend," said LaShon, "you'll do me this one favor."
|  | B) | "If you're really my friend," said LaShon, "you'll do me this one favor."
|  | C) | "If you'r really my friend," said LaShon, "youll do me this one favor."
10 |  |  Marvin's and Gwen's new house sit's on ten beautiful acres in Brown County.
|  | A) | Marvin and Gwen's new house sits on ten beautiful acres in Brown County.
|  | B) | Marvin's and Gwen's new house sit's on ten beautiful acres in Brown County.
|  | C) | Marvin and Gwen's new house sit's on ten beautiful acres in Brown County.
11 |  |  Ms. Chens lectures' are full of wonderful anecdotes.
|  | A) | Ms. Chens lectures' are full of wonderful anecdotes.
|  | B) | Ms. Chen's lectures' are full of wonderful anecdotes.
|  | C) | Ms. Chen's lectures are full of wonderful anecdotes.
12 |  |  The following passage is adapted from a student's essay discussing her experience with racism. Edit it to correct apostrophe errors by choosing the correct revision from the alternatives offered below each of the numbered exercises. The numbers in brackets [ ] identify each sentence. Which one of the following editing choices corrects the apostrophe errors in sentences [1] - [2]? |
|  | A) | It's uncomfortable when your not sure where you belong. I neither want nor need the pressure to be someone Im not. |
|  | B) | Its uncomfortable when your not sure where you belong. I neither want nor need the pressure to be someone I'm not. |
|  | C) | It's uncomfortable when you're not sure where you belong. I neither want nor need the pressure to be someone I'm not. |
13 |  |  Which one of the following editing choices corrects the apostrophe errors in sentences [3] - [4]? Show sentences again. |
|  | A) | Instead, I think I should be accepted as an individual, not just someone whos' labeled a half-breed. The term half-breed may seem harsh, but this is what people think when they see someone like me; I know because I think the same thing. |
|  | B) | Instead, I think I should be accepted as an individual, not just someone who's labeled a half-breed. The term half-breed may seem harsh, but this is what people think when they see someone like me; I know because I think the same thing. |
|  | C) | Instead, I think I should be accepted as an individual, not just someone whose labeled a half-breed. The term half-breed may seem harsh, but this is what people think when they see someone like me; I know because I think the same thing. |
14 |  |  Which one of the following editing choices corrects the apostrophe errors in sentence [5]? Show sentences again. |
|  | A) | Nonetheless, Im tired of feeling bad for being multiracial and tired of wondering what people are thinking when they look at me. |
|  | B) | Nonetheless, I'm tired of feeling bad for being multiracial and tired of wondering what people are thinking when they look at me. |
|  | C) | Nonetheless', I'm tired of feeling bad for being multiracial and tired of wondering what people are thinking when they look at me. |
15 |  |  Which one of the following editing choices corrects the apostrophe errors in sentences [6] - [7]? Show sentences again. |
|  | A) | Maybe it's silly, but I almost feel like a lesser person when people make little joke's, like asking me if I have my "green card" yet. And I feel foolish when people assume that I know Spanish; when Mexican people find out that I dont, they tease me. |
|  | B) | Maybe its silly, but I almost feel like a lesser person when people make little joke's, like asking me if I have my "green card" yet. And I feel foolish when people assume that I know Spanish; when Mexican people find out that I don't, they tease me. |
|  | C) | Maybe it's silly, but I almost feel like a lesser person when people make little jokes, like asking me if I have my "green card" yet. And I feel foolish when people assume that I know Spanish; when Mexican people find out that I don't, they tease me. |
16 |  |  Which one of the following editing choices corrects the apostrophe errors in sentences [8] - [9]? Show sentences again. |
|  | A) | Im a human being just like everyone else, so why cant I go one week without hearing some kind of racial comment? Don't people want to see that I have a great personality or that I'm a really hard worker or even that I have a nice set of teeth? |
|  | B) | I'm a human being just like everyone else, so why cant I go one week without hearing some kind of racial comment? Don't people want to see that I have a great personality or that I'm a really hard worker or even that I have a nice set of teeth? |
|  | C) | I'm a human being just like everyone else, so why can't I go one week without hearing some kind of racial comment? Don't people want to see that I have a great personality or that I'm a really hard worker or even that I have a nice set of teeth? |
17 |  |  Which one of the following editing choices corrects the apostrophe errors in sentences [10] - [12]? Show sentences again. |
|  | A) | I realize that its almost natural to see a person's color before seeing anything else; we all do it. However, its not okay to make someone feel bad about something that he or she has not control over. I never had a problem with how I look until people started making me feel, through their comments, that it isn't okay to be of more than one color. |
|  | B) | I realize that it's almost natural to see a person's color before seeing anything else; we all do it. However, its not okay to make someone feel bad about something that he or she has not control over.I never had a problem with how I look until people started making me feel, through their comments, that it isn't okay to be of more than one color. |
|  | C) | I realize that its almost natural to see a persons color before seeing anything else; we all do it. However, its not okay to make someone feel bad about something that he or she has not control over. I never had a problem with how I look until people started making me feel, through their comments, that it isnt okay to be of more than one color. |