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Final Words of Wisdom
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Final Words of Wisdom - just a few I promise

This is one of the most difficult chapters in the text for a number of reasons. Most of those reasons relate to the learner (you) so, that also means you have some control over the outcome.

Let’s be frank here; I admit this material isn’t as engrossing a topic as leadership. Some might even call it boring. Be that as it may, it is still essential reading nonetheless. The way people work and behave in a workplace is dependent to some degree on the way the organization is structured - that’s a fact. Acceptable behaviour in an organization that is characterized as organic, team-based, with low formality is very different than what you’d expect at the corporate HQ of “Big Blue” (that’s IBM). The point is organizational structure impacts the organization’s culture and vice versa. That is to say, how members within the organization relate to one another.

Another reason this is a difficult chapter is because many students have never been exposed to this material before. Well, in a way that’s good isn’t it? At least you won’t have to struggle with your preconceived notions which don’t always coincide with the material in the book.

Finally, keep these words of wisdom in mind as you study the chapter: if it seems hard, it’s because it kind of is (there I said it). Now study hard(er). Now, aren’t you glad you’ve got all those practice multiple choice questions to prepare with?

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