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Self-Assessment: Does your job require an organic or mechanistic structure?
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Activity: Does your job require an organic or mechanistic structure?

The source of this scale is: Steven L. McShane, based on earlier scales by: M. Withey, R. L. Daft, and W. H. Cooper. "Measures of Perrow’s Work Unit Technology: An Empirical Assessment and a New Scale." Administrative Science Quarterly 26, no. 1 (1983): 45-63; J. R. Hackman and G. Oldham, Work Redesign (Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley, 1980); A. H. Van de Ven, A. L. and Delbecq, "A Task Contingent Model of Work-Unit Structure," Administrative Science Quarterly, 19, no. 2 (1974): 183-197.

Different types of jobs require different types of organizational structures. For some jobs, employees work better in an organic structure. In other jobs, a mechanistic structure helps incumbents perform their work better.
      This self-assessment helps you to estimate the preferred organizational structure for the job in which you currently or have recently worked. If you are currently a student, think about these statements in terms of student work as a job. Indicate the extent to which your job has the characteristic described in each statement.
      Please indicate the extent to which your job:

Has a well-defined sequence of steps to complete most tasks.
Requires you to do many different things, using a variety of your skills and talents.
Has a clearly defined body of knowledge to guide you in completing the tasks.
Has highly repetitive work activities.
Has highly varied work activities from one day to the next.
Provides a set of clearly known ways to do most work.
Requires you to perform the same set of work activities several times each day.
Has established procedures and practices to perform the work.
Assigns tasks that have few or ambiguous procedures to guide their completion.
Requires you to perform the same tasks day-to-day.

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Home > Chapter 13 > Self-Assessment: Does your job require an organic or mechanistic structure?