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Self-Assessment: Which organizational structure do you prefer?
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Activity: What organizational structure do you prefer?

The source of this scale is: © Steven L. McShane.

Personal values influence how comfortable you are working in different organizational structures. You might prefer an organization with clearly defined rules or no rules at all. You might prefer a firm where almost any employee can make important decisions, or where important decisions are screened by senior executives. This self-assessment is designed to help you estimate the type of organizational structure in which you would prefer to work based on your personal needs and values.
      Read each statement in this self-assessment and indicate how well the statement reflects the type of organization in which you would prefer to work. You need to complete each item honestly to get the best estimate of your preferred organizational structure.

I would like to work in an organization where...

A person's career ladder has several steps toward higher status and responsibility
Employees perform their work with few rules to limit their discretion.
Responsibility is pushed down to employees who perform the work.
Supervisors have few employees, so they work closely with each person.
Senior executives make most decisions to ensure that the company is consistent in its actions.
Jobs are clearly defined so there is no confusion over who is responsible for various tasks
Employees have their say on issues, but senior executives make most of the decisions.
Job descriptions are broadly stated or nonexistent.
Everyone's work is tightly synchronized around top management operating plans.
Most work is performed in teams without close supervision.
Work gets done through informal discussion with co-workers rather than through formal rules.
Supervisors have so many employees that they can't watch anyone very closely.
Everyone has clearly understood goals, expectations, and job duties.
Senior executives assign overall goals, but leave daily decisions to front line teams.
Even in a large company, the CEO is only three or four levels above the lowest position

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Home > Chapter 13 > Self-Assessment: Which organizational structure do you prefer?