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Study/Lecture Outline
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Study/Lecture Outline - make your own notes

I. Division of Labour and Coordination

  1. Division of labour
  2. Coordinating work activities (3 ways)
    1. Informal communication
    2. Formal hierarchy
    3. Standardization (3 forms)

II. Elements of Organizational Structure (4 elements)

  1. Span of control (tall vs. flat)
  2. Centralization and decentralization
  3. Formalization
    1. Mechanistic versus organic structures

III. Forms of Departmentalization (the fourth element)

  1. Simple
  2. Functional
  3. Divisional (3)
  4. Team-based
  5. Matrix
  6. Network

IV. Contingencies of Organizational Design (4)

  1. External environment (4 characteristics)
  2. Organizational size
  3. Technology (variability and analyzability)
  4. Organizational strategy

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