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Exploring Discrete Mathematics Using Maple
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This is a guide to help you explore concepts in discrete mathematics using the computer system Maple. This book can significantly enhance your understanding of discrete mathematics in several ways: providing you with a plethora of interactive examples, making algorithms concrete and understandable by implementing them on your computer, and freeing you to experiment and conjecture without getting bogged down in repetitive calculation. Exploring Discrete Mathematics with Maple is designed to be accessible to those who are complete novices with Maple and with computer programming, but it has much to offer even experts.

The introduction explains the fundamentals of how to use Maple and the basics of computer programming with Maple. The chapters follow the structure of Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications and are available both as pdf files and as Maple documents (.mw) so that you can interact directly with the examples. Each section in Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications has a corresponding section in this manual that explains the relevant Maple commands, leads you through an exploration of a topic in discrete mathematics, explains how to implement algorithms described in the textbook, and sometimes even shows how to create programs to extend Maple to explore discrete math even more deeply.

Click on the links below to download the chapters of Exploring Discrete Mathematics with Maple in both Adobe Acrobat PDF and Maple formats.

Maple_Introduction (1642.0K)

Maple_Chapter_01 (634.0K)

Maple_Chapter_02 (1113.0K)

Maple_Chapter_03 (1115.0K)

Maple_Chapter_04 (749.0K)

Maple_Chapter_05 (925.0K)

Maple_Chapter_06 (792.0K)

Maple_Chapter_07 (538.0K)

Maple_Chapter_08 (596.0K)

Maple_Chapter_09 (922.0K)

Maple_Chapter_10 (8530.0K)

Maple_Chapter_11 (8434.0K)

Maple_Chapter_12 (925.0K)

Maple_Chapter_13 (466.0K)

Rosen Maple Packages (62.0K)

ElizabethanData (45.0K)

Shakespeare Data (38.0K)

Test Messages (3.0K)

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