Biology, Eighth Edition (Raven)

Chapter 49: The Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

Video Quiz - Cardiac Repair

Objective: Elaborate on what efforts are being made in post-myocardial infarction treatments.

Click here for more information regarding this video and its quiz questions.


What is one of the dangers in remaining on a heart transplant list for extended lengths of time?
A)Greater risk of rejection
B)High mortality rate for patients on transplant lists
C)Increased likelihood of changing their mind about the transplant
D)Increased likelihood that there tissue match will not be found

What is the name of the naturally occurring protein that is being researched on its value in treating recent heart attacks?
A)Thymosin beta-4
D)Creatine phosphokinase

Specifically, how does Thymosin work with cardiac cells?
A)Increases the permeability of blood vessels servicing the heart.
B)Lowers the energy needed to pump sodium into the cardiac cells.
C)Changes the cardiac cell metabolism to be able to tolerate lower oxygen levels
D)Increases the uptake of ATP by cardiac cells.

What does the research on mice indicate about this drug’s effectiveness?
A)There was no significant difference between the mice using Thymosin beta-4 and the control group.
B)The control group hearts were found to have greater pumping ability than the experimental group.
C)There was no improvement in mice hearts treated with Thymosin beta-4.
D)The mice treated with Thymosin beta-4 had hearts that were pumping much stronger than those that didn’t

How is Thymosin beta-4 use different from stem cell treatment?
A)Thymosin beta- 4 is able to replace heart cells where stem cells are not able to.
B)Stem cell treatments are only experimental at this point. Thymosin beta-4 is in full use.
C)Thymosin beta-4 is able to prevent heart cells from dying following a heart attack, while stem cell treatments would promote new cell growth in the damaged tissue.
D)Stem cell treatments have less ethical concerns around them than Thymosin beta-4 use does.
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