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Exercise 3-2.4
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Lead-Writing Exercises > Writing a lead for an airplane incident story


Write a lead based on the following set of facts:
Who?117 passengers and six crew members on PDQ Air Lines flight 231 from San Francisco International to Los Angeles International
What?uninjured in emergency landing when plane skidded to a stop
Where?San Francisco International Airport
When?7:27 p.m. Saturday
Why?The front landing gear would not retract, according to preliminary report cited by Federal Aviation Administration spokesperson Bradley Pritt, who promised further investigation into the incident.
How?When the plane's belly hit the runway, it emitted a shower of sparks that one 4-year-old witness said reminded him of the "4th of July"; the pilot had turned the plane around after realizing the problem and circled for three hours to burn fuel before landing.

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