1 |  |  The protest, reportedly organized by pacifists from out of town, began with a rally at the courthouse steps, where speakers of all spots and stripes lambasted the U.S. government for its role in the Iraq War. |
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2 |  |  By 8 p.m. the crowd of 200 or so had warmed to a boil and began to show its true colors. |
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3 |  |  Cool as cucumbers, police waited calmly at the corner of 6th and Broadway, where the two forces eventually met. |
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4 |  |  When one group of demonstrators tried to topple a police car, they discovered they had been playing with a powder keg. |
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5 |  |  The officers, who were armed to the teeth, swung into high gear and responded with truncheons and tear gas. |
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6 |  |  Needless to say, the protesters beat a hasty retreat, took to their heels and dispersed, mostly just in the nick of time, with police in hot pursuit. |
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7 |  |  "I've never seen so many people run so fast in so many directions," said Lt. Miguel Cruz, who didn't seem worse for the wear for his part in the incident. |
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8 |  |  City officials say they will leave no stone unturned in exploring ways to make the demonstrators foot the bill for the police response. |
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