(8.0K) The section info widget provides a thumbnail of the textbook cover (if available)
and the section web address your students use to access your course.
Clicking the book title link will take you to the eBook for this text located
in the Library (if available). See eBookfor
more information about eBooks.
Clicking the options icon (0.0K) in
the top right of the section info widget will open a section options menu. (15.0K)
These options provide the same section management functionality described on
the my courses course list. See Course
List for more information on these section management options.
You can also upload your course syllabus using the upload syllabus link
at the bottom.
To upload your syllabus: - Click Browse… to
locate your syllabus file. The syllabus must be a Word DOC, PDF or text (TXT)
file and maximum of 150 KB in size. (7.0K)
- Check the box apply to all sections in this course if
you want the syllabus to appear in every section of the course you are teaching.
- Click upload to upload the syllabus.
- The links at the bottom of the section info widget will change to view and edit to
allow your students to now view the uploaded document.
- Use the edit link to change or remove the syllabus.