Wood Technology & Processes

Self-Check : Self-Check Safety Quizzes

Safety Quiz 1

Developing Safe Work Habits


You can help prevent slips and falls by
A)using short ladders.
B)wearing leather-soled shoes.
C)keeping the floor free of clutter and wiping up spills.
D)keeping an even layer of sawdust on the floor.

Wearing baggy sleeves and dangling jewelry is an unsafe practice because they
A)can harbor germs.
B)can make distracting noises.
C)can collect dirt and dust.
D)can catch on machine parts or work pieces.

Which footwear contributes to shop safety?
A)safety shoes with nonskid soles
B)open-toed shoes
C)open-toed sandals
D)safety shoes with buckles

When the safety rules refer to “horseplay,” the meaning of the term is
A)for animals.
B)games for horses.
C)fooling around.
D)throwing hay.

If you have long hair, how should you prepare yourself for work on the job?
A)Get a haircut.
B)Wash and dry your hair.
C)Use mousse or styling gel on your hair.
D)Tie your hair back or wear it under a cap.
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