Wood Technology & Processes

Self-Check : Self-Check Safety Quizzes

Safety Quiz 6

Using a Planer


Never plane more than one thickness at a time.

When operating the planer, do not position yourself
A)on the right side of the board.
B)on the left side of the board.
C)on either side of the board.
D)directly behind the board.

Keep your away from the board after it starts through the planer.

A board is stuck in the planer. You should turn off the switch, wait for the cutterhead to , and lower the table to remove the board.

You should arrange to have a helper when
A)the board contains knots or other imperfections.
B)the board is long and someone needs to support it as it emerges.
C)the board is highly warped.
D)the board has more than one thickness to be planed.
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