Wood Technology & Processes

Self-Check : Self-Check Safety Quizzes

Safety Quiz 3

Using Hand Tools


When using hand tools, always wear
A)eye protection.
B)leather gloves.
C)leather work shoes.
D)ear protection.

You find a tool that appears to be damaged. You should
A)try to fix it temporarily.
B)do nothing about it.
C)throw it away.
D)tell the teacher about it.

An important safety guideline that applies to cutting tools is
A)sharpen them twice a year.
B)dip them in oil before using.
C)keep them sharp at all times.
D)dip them in water before using.

If you are going to use a screwdriver on a part,
A)sharpen the screwdriver.
B)secure the part.
C)paint the part first.
D)hold the screwdriver in your left hand.

Use tools only in the way they were designed to be used.
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