Wood Technology & Processes

Self-Check : Self-Check Safety Quizzes

Safety Quiz 2

Using a Fire Extinguisher


To prepare for a fire, know where the fire is located or be prepared to exit.

Why does operating a fire extinguisher require the use of two hands?
A)Two hands are needed to press the trigger to spray the fire.
B)The mixture is so volatile that it can cause kickback.
C)This prevents the fire extinguisher from tipping over.
D)You need one hand to pick it up and one to aim the baton.

You activate a fire extinguisher by
A)tapping the top sharply.
B)turning the dial to fire.
C)shaking the contents vigorously.
D)pulling out the safety ring.

The spray from a fire extinguisher should be aimed , toward the base of the fire.

A fire extinguisher may be used by
A)teachers or the school principal only.
B)anyone who is standing nearby.
C)anyone who is trained and authorized to use it.
D)fire prevention professionals only.
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