Wood Technology & Processes

Self-Check : Self-Check Safety Quizzes

Safety Quiz 9

Using a Table Saw


Which shape of stock is never appropriate to use on a table saw?
C)rectangular but warped

Which guideline for positioning the stock always applies?
A)Install a dado head beforehand.
B)Verify that the entire piece is resting on the table before beginning.
C)Hold stock against the backboard.
D)Hold stock against the fence or miter gauge.

Use a to push stock past the blade when space between the saw blade and the fence is 6" or less.

Never reach
A)for the power plug.
B)over the stock.
C)under the table.
D)for the miter gauge.

Which safety rule always applies when ripping a board?
A)Do not push the board.
B)Keep your fingers at least 12 inches from the blade.
C)Do not pull on the board.
D)Do not start the operation if scraps are anywhere on the table.
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