Wood Technology & Processes

Self-Check : Self-Check Safety Quizzes

Safety Quiz 14

Using a Drill Press


When using a drill press, which guideline for speed is correct?
A)Use fast speed for large holes; slower speed for small holes.
B)Use slow speed for large holes; faster speed for small holes.
C)Use a uniformly fast speed.
D)Use a uniformly slow speed.

What safety guideline applies to workpieces?
A)Use softwood workpieces only.
B)Use hardwood workpieces only.
C)Clamp work securely, especially for high-speed work.
D)Clamp work only for low-speed work.

Maximize your personal safety by keeping and loose clothing away from machine parts.

Place a piece of scrap stock under the work in order to
A)stabilize the workpiece.
B)minimize vibrations.
C)minimize noise.
D)protect the vise or table.

What must be removed before starting the drill press?
A)the drill bit
B)the chuck key
C)the workpiece
D)the chuck
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