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Adam Goodheart
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This page from Outside Online contains some biographical information about Goodheart. Read it and compare it to the information in your text. Why do you think the different info appears here?

The Atlantic Monthly online has posted this brief bio of Goodheart. How does this one differ from the one above? Do you have a preference about which you'd use in a paper for your class?


"Six Degrees of Sir Francis Bacon" is the title of an essay by Goodheart in which he links himself to various historical figures, borrowing an idea from John Guare's play Six Degrees of Separation. Read it and try it on your own.

Here's another process analysis: "How to Host a Roman Orgy." Besides the subject matter, how does this essay differ from the one in your text? What similar elements can you find?

Goodheart's "Why Dolores Chumsky Hates Thomas Edison" chronicles the plight of a New Jersey woman with a leaky house.


Check out this page about wooly mammoths, courtesy of the Wellington Chamber of Commerce.

Read this book review Goodheart wrote about the sequel to the novel About Schmidt. After having read the review, would you like to read the book? Why or why not?

This is the homepage of The American Scholar, where Goodheart is on the editorial board.

Another spin-off of Guare's play is the game "Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon," whose inventors claim that anyone who's ever been in a movie can be linked to the actor Bacon in six steps. Some people with a bit of time on their hands at the University of Virginia have refined this to computer science. Check it out at The Oracle of Bacon.

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