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Suzanne Fields
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Biographical posted this biography of Fields, which includes a photo. Townhall bills itself as a “conservative news and information” site. Would this affect the way you might use any of this information in your English class? Explain.

Young America’s Foundation put up this biography of Fields at their speakers’ area. How does this one differ from the one above? Why does it differ do you think? Are both different from the brief bio in your text? Explain.


The periodical Jewish World Review has put online this archive of Fields’s work. Pick a column that catches your eye and read it so that you can compare/contrast it to the piece in your textbook.

Insight on the News conducted this interview about “traditional values” with Fields in 2001. Read the interview and consider this question: Does Fields’s voice differ in this format compared to her print voice? If so, how? If not, why not?


Click on over to the homepage of CosmoGirl magazine and browse through it a while. Is the author’s depiction of it fair, given what you can tell from the website? Explain your answer.

Interested in what other netizens have to say about topics like the one in your read-ing? Well ok then, visit this extensive Men's Studies Discussion Forum from and see what’s going on there.

Here’s some information about the book Y: The Descent of Men by Steve Jones, which is mentioned in Fields’s piece. What further can you learn about this book from this online source? What kinds of things would necessitate consulting the book directly? Can you tell from the computer you’re using now whether your library has a copy of this book?

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