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Bertrand Russell
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The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has posted this detailed, hyperlinked biography of Russell, which includes a chronology and discusses Russell's work in logic, analytic philosophy, and political philosophy. You'll also find links to other Internet sources there.

This is the homepage of the Bertrand Russell Society, where you'll find photos, a call for papers, membership information, and related links.


McMaster University is home to the Bertrand Russell Archives. On its homepage, you'll find a hyperlinked introduction to the collection and links to pages featuring new books, the Russell journal, a research center, and more.

Looking for a quotation by Russell? If you click here, you'll find ten of them.


Would you like to do some research on the philosophy of desire? Take a look at this course description from the University of Greenwich. Can you use it to make any connections to your reading? How comfortable would you be using this course description in your class work? Explain.

Let's take a look at Russell's passions by doing an online quotation search:

  • How about some love quotes? Here is a collection ranging from I Corinthians to Joan Crawford to Charlie Brown.
  • Click over to this page and you'll find a host of quotes about knowledge, from thinkers ranging from Albert Einstein to Carl Jung to Pearl S. Buck. What are some efficient ways to find more?
  • has put up this collection of quotations about pity, with contributions from Cicero, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and others. Do you think all the quotes are accurate? How could you check?

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