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Richard Marius
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Read this obituary of Marius from the Harvard University Gazette.

Read this Marius biography at What are the major differences between this and the information in the obituary above? What kinds of things does the obit mention that this one doesn't? Are they both reliable? How can you tell?


Michandra McIntosh of Tennessee State University wrote and posted this bibliographical essay about Marius's work. There are a few links there to relevant works by and about him.

Here's the transcript of "Utopia as a Mirror for a Life and Times," a speech Marius gave at Loyola College of Baltimore in 1995.


Ohio University has put together this good collection of links about the writing process. There, you'll find good tips on things like narrowing your topic, brainstorming, stating your thesis, and much, much more.

Here are a half-dozen quotes from prominent writers about revision. (There are some other good quotes there, too.) How can a carefully chosen quotation strengthen a paper?

Here's The Elements of Style(1918 edition) in etext at It's a book every writer and reader should know.

Be sure to check out this directory from concerning FAQ's, Help, and Tutorials on topics from "writing for the web" to "curing writer's block."

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