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James Glanz
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This press release from New York University, prepared upon the occasion of the author’s speech there, contains some biographical information about Glanz. Does this biography differ substantially from the one in your text? If so, how? If not, why not?


Search the New York Timesarchives (free registration required) for some more pieces by Glanz. Don’t stop until you uncover at least five or six titles. Judging from the titles, would you say that the piece in your textbook is representative of his work or not? Explain.


Here are some very sad sites:

This CNN site is called September 11/A Memorial. There’s really nothing else to say.

This page has links to three essays dealing with the September 11th terror attacks and their impact upon globalization. Before you visit and take a look, make a list of the things that these attacks might affect on a world scale and compare it to what you find online.

Some commentators advocated the use of “torture warrants” following the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. Read this essay about the debate that ensued. After you’ve absorbed the main points, compare and contrast this justice issue with one raised by one of your readings.

Does the general issue of criminal justice and terrorists sound like an interesting re-search topic? If so, take a visit to this directory about the war on terrorism and its intersection with human rights and liberties from

A tiny attempt to try to promote cross-cultural understanding:

This is another directory from This is the path: Society>Religion and Spirituality>Islam. After you visit this directory, find another directory in that path that relates to you.

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