The Corporate & Public Strategy Advisory Group put up this biography of Wilson. How does it differ from the one in your text? Why do you think the authors of the two biographies pointed out different things?
Here's a very different biography of Wilson, with hyperlinks, from If you had to pick this one or the one above to use in your class work, which would it be and why?
Wilson appeared on the PBS program Now with Bill Moyers in 2003. This is the transcript of the show, which dealt with the war in Iraq, and Wilson's recent dealings with Saddam Hussein.
Wilson wrote an Op-Ed piece for the New York Times called "What I Didn't Find in Africa," questioning the White House's intelligence-gathering on weapons of mass destruction in Iraq as a rationale for the war. Read it and compare/contrast it to the reading in your textbook.
Let's say you'd like to explore further the issue of "exporting democracy." Below are links to four pieces, two in favor of such a policy, and two critical of it. First, the two in favor:
Read this speech President Bush gave to the American Enterprise Institute [AEI] in February 2003. In what ways is the President in favor of exporting democracy to Iraq? How would you characterize the AEI?
Majority Leader Tom Delay gave this speech to the Financial Services Roundtable in February 2004, outlining the administration's goals for the year. How many times does he use the phrase "export democracy" or the like? In what contexts?
Here are two articles questioning the idea of exporting democracy:
Read this 2004 article by Nat Parry called "Bush & Democracy Hypocrisy." In what specific ways is it critical of the idea of exporting democracy?