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Alan Paton
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This page provides a biography of Paton, some photos, and an excerpt from Cry, The Beloved Country. Would you feel comfortable using the information found here in your class? How do you judge the reliability of information found on the Internet?

Here's another Paton biography. This one is hyperlinked and fairly lengthy. How else does it differ from the one above and the one in your textbook? Does its greater length make it more reliable than the one above? Explain.


The Library at the University of KwaZulu-Natal has created the Alan Paton Centre & Struggle Archives. Click here to read more about it on this hyperlinked information page.

Here are some more excerpts from Cry, The Beloved Country. Read them and try to make some thematic links to the reading in your text. What differences can you uncover?


Like to learn more about nature writing? This is an excellent collection of web resources on the subject from Virginia Commonwealth University.

Is the topic of AIDS in South Africa one you'd like to learn more about? CNN has put together a comprehensive site on the topic, and this is its homepage. There, you'll find links to images, quick facts, message boards, video, and live chat.

Perhaps you've decided to zero in on famine in South Africa as a research topic. BBC news has put up a page on famine similar to CNN's page noted above. It's an excellent resource.

If you'd like to learn more about South Africa, but you're not sure where to start, The World Factbook provides online information about things like geography, people, government, communications, and transportation. You'll also find several good maps.

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