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Kofi Annan
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This is the Secretary-General’s page from the United Nations site, where you’ll find daily news, lots of photos, and links to a biography, statements, and other related information.

PBS put together this "Life Map" of Annan for Center of the Storm, a program on the Secretary-General. How does it differ from the information presented on the United Nations site? How can you explain the differences?


Read this BBC interview conducted in November 2003. Like the piece in your text, it focuses on AIDS, but the approach is different. What are some of the differences? How can you explain them?

For a multimedia approach, visit Rice University’s Webcast Archive, where you’ll be able to listen and/or view a speech Annan gave about “the role of the United Nations on the eve of the 21st century.”


Is the topic of AIDS in Africa one you’d like to learn more about? CNN has put together a comprehensive site on the topic, and this is its homepage. There, you’ll find links to images, quick facts, message boards, video, and live chat.

Perhaps you’ve decided to zero in on famine in Africa as a topic for a research paper. BBC news has put up a page on this topic that offers much valuable information.

Planning to do some research on AIDS, but not sure how to narrow this vast topic? Medline Plus, a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of health, is one good place to start.

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