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Tena Moyer
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Biographical Bibliographical

Here's "Code of Denial," the piece in your text, but from an online source. Study it and consider: How does this etext differ from the material found in your textbook? What advantages does etext have? What disadvantages? What biographical material does the piece contain that's not found in your textbook?


Are you thinking about doing some research on the topic of breast cancer, but not sure how to limit such a subject? A visit to the Breast Cancer Resources Directory from will be well worth your time. It has some background information about the disease, and links to hundreds of resources including the sites of breast cancer organizations, information for patients, and sites about screening and self-examination.

Moyer describes a personal experience with breast cancer. Pick one from this discussion group and read it with an eye toward comparing and contrasting it to the one in your text.

Elizabeth Kübler-Ross formulated a famous, although somewhat controversial, set of stages that dying people and their loved ones go through. Read through this formulation here, and consider: What are the limitations of such lists? Is this formulation apparent in your reading?

The author mentions the seeming opposition between viewing medicine as a science and viewing it as an art. Would you like to research this idea a bit further? Take a look at this course description from Wittenberg University to get you started.

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