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Leo Romero
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The electronic library at the University of New Mexico houses a collection of Romero's papers, and they put together a biography of the poet to introduce them. Click here and you can read it. What are some efficient ways you can learn more about the papers themselves?


"What the Gossips Saw" comes from a collection called Agua Negra. Ahsahta Press, publishers of that collection, has posted this page with information about it, as well as a poem from it called "Estafiate."

The Santa Fe Poetry broadside has put up a dozen of Romero's poems from his San Fernandez Beat. Read a few and see if you can make any connections to the one in your textbook.


Let's try a few different approaches to exploring modern manners online:

  • Take a look at this archive of Miss Manners' columns from the Washington Post, after you've read her piece in your text. Browse through until you can put the topics into three main categories. What categories did you come up with?
  • Read a few sections of this excerpt from Emily Post's 1922 book Etiquette. (The section about proper walking behavior on city streets is especially amusing if you live in or have ever visited a big city.) Using what you've learned from your online reading, consider: How have these things changed over time? Why do these things change?
  • With evolving technologies come evolving social behavior, and the Internet's "netiquette" is an obvious example. This site has everything you ever wanted to know about Internet etiquette, including a quiz.
  • Click here to see the main page of a site devoted to the problem of workplace incivility.
  • has posted this column discussing a survey about rudeness. Do the findings of the survey make sense in terms of your own experience?

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