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Ernest Albrecht
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The English Department at Middlesex County College, where Albrecht teaches, posted this biographical information about the author.


Here’s some info about two books that Albrecht has written about the circus. Take a look at the third entry. How did it get there? What, if anything, does this tell you about the nature of Internet research?

Read these three short reviews of Albrecht’s The New American Circus from Publisher’s Weekly, Library Journal, and Booklist. How do the reviews differ? Do you notice any common threads? What do you learn about the book from the reviews?.


The treatment of the animals that appear in circuses is an area of growing concern for many people. As a starting point for further research on the topic, take a look at the Big Apple Circus’s policies

If you’re interested in doing further research on this topic, take a look at the directory on animal welfare in entertainment from Google.

For a different angle on the broader topic of circuses, visit the Circus Record and Document Center, where you’ll find links to things like news, addresses, and a forum. (You can even browse in French if you like.)

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