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Carl Sagan
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Scientific American put together this hyperlinked tribute to Sagan upon his death in 1996. You'll also find photos of Sagan on this page and a number of related links.

Here's another Sagan obituary. What main differences do you find here compared to the one above. If you had to pick one to use in a research paper, which one would you pick and why?

This is the homepage of the site, where you'll find a biography, information about related programs, a feedback area, and some links.


Seen any E.T.'s lately? Help join the search at the S.E.T.I. site, where the mission “is to explore, understand and explain the origin, nature, prevalence and distribution of life in the universe.”

Take a look at the Pioneer Plaque, a message placed aboard the spaceship Pioneer 10, just in case….

Interested in space exploration as a research topic? Not sure where to begin your work? What better place than the homepage of NASA's site? Visit and you'll be sure to find some great starting points.

Search here to find out how many Pulitzer Prizes Sagan won. What names do you recognize on the citation page(s)? How can you go about finding out more about them?


Sagan conducted an interview about extraterrestrial life on the PBS program Nova. Click here to read the transcript.

Want to read some of Sagan's work in etext? Here's an excerpt from his book A Pale Blue Dot from the Planetary Society's site.

This is a lengthy excerpt from the book Carl Sagan: A Life, which contains numerous quotes by Sagan.

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