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John McPhee
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Here's John McPhee's homepage, where you'll find a photo, information about his 1999 Pulitzer Prize, and links to a biography, audio, and information about his books.

Barnes & Noble online put together this biography of McPhee. What is the main emphasis of this page? How does it differ from the biography above? How does it differ from the brief bio in your textbook?


This page has links to information about three of McPhee's books—Assembling California, Coming into the Country, and The Founding Fish—as well as some biographical info. You can even download the books, if you're so inclined.

It's multimedia time. The National Public Radio station WBUR in Boston has posted this audio interview with McPhee upon the publication of his book The Founding Fish in 2002.


Here's an entire site devoted to the Pine Barrens of New Jersey. You'll find photos and links to things like discussion forums, a map archive, and contact information.

Let's say you'd like to do a paper about nature preserves and wetlands but you're not sure where to begin. Check out the homepage of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, whose motto is "Conserving the Nature of America." You'll get plenty of good ideas to get started.

Like to learn more about nature writing? This is an excellent collection of web resources on the subject from Virginia Commonwealth University.

This is the homepage of TheNew Yorker, where McPhee has been a staff writer for more than three decades. Can you find anything he's written for it online?

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