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Harrison Rainie
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The Pew Internet & American Life Project, a group that explores the impact of the Internet on society, has posted this biography of Rainie. What, if anything, did you learn that you didn't know before your visit?


Here's some info about a book Rainie co-wrote called Growing Up Kennedy. What can you learn about this book from this online source? What kinds of things would necessitate consulting the book directly? Can you tell from the computer you're using now whether your library has a copy of this book?


Here's a PBS site called After Oklahoma City with updated information, including links to the September 11th attacks, the Nichols Case, the McVeigh Case, and reports from the scene. It's a good starting point to research this event.

Choose an article from this archive about the Oklahoma City bombings and study it. Then, compare/contrast your selection to the one in your textbook. Where could you find more information about the things you've learned?

Some commentators advocated the use of "torture warrants" following the attacks on the Federal Building in Oklahoma City, the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon. Read this essay about the debate that ensued. After you've absorbed the main points, compare and contrast this issue of criminal justice with one raised by one of your readings.

Does the general issue of criminal justice and terrorists sound like an interesting research topic? If so, visit this directory about the war on terrorism and its intersection with human rights and liberties from

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