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Joannie M. Schrof
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Biographical and Bibliographical

Here are two articles by Schrof, one on the scientist and educator Shirley Ann Jackson, and one on the computer scientist Anita Jones. Read them and compare/contrast one of them to the reading in your text. What biographical data did you accumulate about the author in your readings?


This is the homepage of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention's "Statistical Briefing Book," which "provides basic information on juvenile crime and victimization." It's a valuable research resource.

The Yahoo! Directory on juvenile crime is another approach to researching this subject. There, you'll find the topic arranged into issues such as the death penalty, school violence, and teen court.

Columbine is certainly a focal point for "this can't happen here" violence. Let's take a look at a few online approaches to researching the subject:

  • The Washington Post has put up this "Juvenile Violence Time Line" so you can put these troubling events into a historical perspective. It covers acts of violence from 1996 to 2000 throughout the U.S.
  • Let's say you'd like to see if an aspect of the Columbine massacre would be suitable as a research topic. This CNN special report called "Are U.S. Schools Safe" will give you numerous places to start trying to understand the event.

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