Here are some hot topics concerning the government's role in the lives of individuals:
Does the legal history of same-sex marriage interest you as a research topic? If so, check out this history prepared by the self-help law site Nolo. It's hyperlinked, comprehensive, and contains thumbnails of the relevant landmark cases.
"Here Come the Federal Cell Phone Cops" is the name of an essay that compares proposed state and federal regulations, arguing against both. Where would be good places to find the current state of such regulations? Where could you find opposing views?
Click here to read an essay examining legislative efforts concerning Internet privacy. Is privacy something that you pay attention to while surfing? If so, what are your concerns? If not, why not?
The group Taxpayers for Common Sense put together this list of the top ten all-time "Golden Fleece Awards," given for the most creative wastes of U.S. taxpayer money. These include one for a grant to study surfing in Honolulu and one for a $2 million police car. Do you think such seeming abuses are inevitable in a democracy? If not, why do they seem to occur with such alarming frequency?