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Stephen Moore
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National Review, where Moore is contributing editor and president of the Club for Growth, has put together this biography of Moore that includes a photo and some bibliographic information.

The Cato Institute, a public policy analysis organization, has prepared this Moore bio where you'll find a list of speaking topics and a bibliography, both hyperlinked. How does it differ from the one above? From the one in your text? Why do you think these differences exist?


National Review has put online this archive of Moore's work. Pick a column that catches your eye and read it so that you can compare/contrast it to the piece in your textbook.

Moore conducted this interview called "No Shades of Gray" in 2003. The topics include recent tax cuts and the war on terrorism. Can you make any thematic links between the information presented here and that found in your reading?


Are you interested in the topic of immigration to the U.S., but not sure how to narrow it for a paper? Take a look at this directory about U.S. immigration from, and you'll get some ideas for manageable subtopics.

Perhaps you're interested in the topic of ethnic studies, but you're not sure how to start narrowing a topic for a research paper. Take a look at this directory on ethnic studies from the Open Directory project, and you'll find plenty of good ideas to get you going.

Moore argues for "new blood." How about some opposing views? This site,, presents a diametrically opposing view. Browse around until you are comfortable with this organization's position. Which view do you favor and why?

It has been argued that racial whiteness is a social construct and not a naturally occurring phenomenon. Would you like to explore resources revolving around the social construction of the white race? Ok then, click here and you'll find a detailed syllabus on the subject from a course taught at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.

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